We love praying with you and for you.
Our ministry team has a passion for learning to walk with Jesus alongside youth and children. Believe us when we say your children have very deep and wide questions about God and how God works in their lives.
Along with a brilliant and dedicated team of trained and safety-screened volunteers, we offer dedicated programming during both our 9:15 and 10:30 services for both children aged JK to grade 5 and youth aged grade 6 to grade 12.
When you arrive, feel free to find a greeter and ask for the registration clipboard if you’re new. Grownups are welcome to join their littles for their first or even many of their sessions in our St. Nicholas Chapel, a bright and clean dedicated space for kids and youth.
Kids can expect a storybook version of the gospel, and anything from an active game to a craft project that connects God to their daily life.
For older youth, we have fun and bond together in the love of Christ all while finding a way to bring the gospel with us into the world.
We think that’s great, too. We love welcoming kids to dedicated programming, but if your family finds the most value in worshipping together that is amazing. We provide creative worshipping supplies for kids at all of our entrances. We also have a kids’ zone in our side chapel space complete with soft toys, some children’s books, some cozy blankets, and space for both kids and their grownups to stretch out.
Parents can expect individualised attention for their families.
We’re a small and growing group where you can know us and be known by us. Our kid’s programming provides an alternative to Instagram, TikTok, school cliques, and other harsh influences in your child’s life. God’s love is transformative– come and see.
We know family ministry doesn’t begin and end on Sunday morning.
We want to be a positive influence in your children’s lives– feel free to reach out to Vivia with questions about challenges and choices, or joys and gratitudes.
Please reach out to Rev. Ali at
Christ Church Deer Park is part of
the Diocese of Toronto and
the Anglican Church of Canada.
All rights reserved.
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Our magnificent three manual, tracker-action organ was installed in the chancel of the church in the spring of 1982 and dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of those who died in the First World War and the Second World War.
The organ, built by the Karl Wilhelm Company of Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, has a classical continental design. The case is made of white oak and the pipe shades are of carved butternut. Voiced in the classic French style, its 36 stops and 50 ranks are capable of interpreting a wide variety of organ literature.
Installation required considerable changes to the chancel including moving the altar forward and arranging choir seating to either side. These renovations prompted the design and production of our award-winning Benedicite Kneelers, done in needlepoint by a dedicated group of church members.