Unwrapping Gifts from God—Living a Life of Gratitude
The world in lockdown has been unsettling: enforced separation from family and friends, economic uncertainty, rampant unemployment, and now a world power seemingly on the brink of eruption. In the midst of all that negativity and our altered lives, it may be difficult to discern the wonderful gifts we have all received from God.
This four-week online course hopes to keep us on track. Through scripture, questions, and prayer, we will recognize and give thanks for four gifts we have received:
- God in Creation,
- God in our lives,
- God in Jesus
- and the opportunity of always starting again.
We will discuss the importance of gratitude for these gifts. Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend!
Register by sending an email to Cathy Gibbs: adultministries@christchurchdeerpark.org