Stephen Drakeford (he/him) was appointed as CCDP’s Interim Priest-in-Charge from May 1, 2024 until February 2025 (or until a new incumbent is found).

Stephen was ordained in the Diocese of Toronto in 1990 and has served St. George’s Oshawa, the Parish of Georgina, Trinity, Streetsville, St. Matthew’s, Islington, and The Church of the Epiphany and St. Mark, from which he retired in 2019.

Beyond parish ministry, Stephen was part of the team that developed and administered the Diocese’s first misconduct policy, having led the congregational care team for a decade. He also chaired the Creation Matters team for a decade. He was a founding member of the Fresh Expressions Working Group (which initially funded CCDP’s Church on Tap), and has served on numerous Diocesan committees. In retirement, he has served as Honourary Assistant at St. Anne’s, Gladstone, and has sat on the board of AURA (Anglican, United Refugee Alliance), having just finished a two-year term there of co-chairing.

He completed his Doctorate of Ministry in 2012 in creation care.

In his spare time, he loves to travel, bicycle, walk, practice yoga, birdwatch, read novels, listen to jazz, cook, and bake! He has two grown sons, a Boston Terrier named Lola, and shares life with his partner of 22 years,  James Hart.

Christ Church Deer Park will be his third interim position.

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The Story behind our

Tracking Organ

Our magnificent three manual, tracker-action organ was installed in the chancel of the church in the spring of 1982 and dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of those who died in the First World War and the Second World War.

The organ, built by the Karl Wilhelm Company of Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, has a classical continental design. The case is made of white oak and the pipe shades are of carved butternut. Voiced in the classic French style, its 36 stops and 50 ranks are capable of interpreting a wide variety of organ literature.

Installation required considerable changes to the chancel including moving the altar forward and arranging choir seating to either side. These renovations prompted the design and production of our award-winning Benedicite Kneelers, done in needlepoint by a dedicated group of church members.