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Annual Vestry Sunday

Click here to join the Annual Vestry Meeting


Be there!

Known in the world outside church-land as an annual general meeting, the Annual Vestry is your meeting. It is your opportunity and obligation to voice ideas, insights and dreams and vote on motions concerning the life of our community. And that is why your presence is necessary. CCDP is your church and therefore your sense of ownership, responsibility and participation are essential for its well-being. So please come.

Upcoming highlights of the meeting:

  • The budget: Help decide how we allocate our financial resources. With a large deficit anticipated for 2021, your informed ideas are needed to tackle this concern. Check out the Financial Forum on Sunday February 21st at 10:30 am for more details.
  • Committing Ourselves to Anti-Racism: This year’s diocesan vestry motion will ask us to commit ourselves to the recognition, dismantling, and elimination of Anti-Black and other forms of racism in our secular institutions, in our Church, and in ourselves, and to work for the full inclusion, participation and belongingness of Black, Indigenous and other racialized people in all sectors of our common life.
  • Elect Church Wardens: These elected officials manage our church between vestry meetings, and it is therefore imperative that we find faithful committed members to serve in this capacity. Offer yourself for this role and/or make nominations.

Much is done at a vestry meeting to build and maintain the creativity and vitality of our parish. It is an important meeting that needs you present.



Click here to join the Annual Vestry Meeting

You can log onto zoom to join the Vestry Meeting or you can call in on your phone by calling 647-558-0588, entering the meeting ID: 852 6926 8572 and password: 622495.

The Story behind our

Tracking Organ

Our magnificent three manual, tracker-action organ was installed in the chancel of the church in the spring of 1982 and dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of those who died in the First World War and the Second World War.

The organ, built by the Karl Wilhelm Company of Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, has a classical continental design. The case is made of white oak and the pipe shades are of carved butternut. Voiced in the classic French style, its 36 stops and 50 ranks are capable of interpreting a wide variety of organ literature.

Installation required considerable changes to the chancel including moving the altar forward and arranging choir seating to either side. These renovations prompted the design and production of our award-winning Benedicite Kneelers, done in needlepoint by a dedicated group of church members.